Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Yesterday was not a good day. It was my husbands first day back at work and it was my first day alone at home with my son. I don't mean I was alone. I have many friends that I know are waiting for a phone call to come over, but it was my first day to be back to "normal" and it didn't go well. I really for some reason thought it would. All we did was go to Wal Mart. I had a few more things to get for our Angel Tree angel and some milk. I knew I would see baby clothes, and babies and it was fine. Then I turned another corner and I see a mother with a son and a new baby it's carrier and it was okay. Then another corner, and another corner and it became less and less okay until my eyes welled up with tears. It just snowballed from there. And my son, he was there, witnessing his mother fall apart in the lotion aisle. He looked at me, confusion in his face and said "Mommy, are you sad? Are you sad about my baby sister?" I said that I was and he reached up to hug me tight and pat my back. "I will tell Jesus to come to Murfreesboro and bring her back". By this time I was choking back tears. All I could do was go home, get his lunch, leave the bags at the door and crawl into bed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I hope that writing these things down brings you some peace. My heart aches for you and you have been constantly on my mind and in my prayers. I know that you have so many people who have offered this to you but if you ever need a listening ear, please call me. I will email you my phone #.

  3. Dearest Trudy, your Dad and I are glad you are able to write your feelings. Your loss will be forever just like it is for all of us but it will change and your perspective and ability to deal with it will make it a memory blessing. Meanwhile you have Les and Wyatt, all your family and friends you hold you whether near or far. Take courage in our love for you and baby Filomena. May the sweetness of Wyatt and his special love for his mommy sustain you. Love Always, Dad and Donna
